In addition to the Patch Repairs and Hot Cure Epoxy Drain lining that we carry out, our operatives are also trained to carry our replacements and renewals of defective drains.
Whatever the size and nature of problem, DRL can implement the most cost effective solution.

Whilst drain rods still have their place in the modern world of drain cleaning, in the majority of situations the most effective method of unblocking drains is the use of a High Pressure Water Jetting Unit.
Anyone who has used a domestic pressure washer to clean their car or patio will be aware just how effective a concentrated jet of high pressure water can be for removing unwanted deposits etc.
HPW jetting units operate on the same principle, but at much higher pressures and flow rates enabling our operatives to efficiently unblock drains and to clean associated pipe work and remove deposits from manholes and chambers.

Specialist Sonar equipment enables our operatives to establish the exact location and depth of drains.
When used in conjunction with CCTV cameras we can locate/pinpoint broken drains, buried manholes, septic tanks and interceptors up to depths of 8 metres.

Where manholes and similar brick and concrete structures such as manholes, tanks and cellars are found to be leaking we can seal these leaks by injecting expanding polyurethane resin into the area surrounding the leak using a specialist pumping system.
This system is particularly effective at sealing large leaks that would otherwise require excavation works in order to cure the problem.
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Brawoliner® is a new, seamless textile tube made of 100% polyester, designed and developed especially for innovative rehabilitation of defective service laterals. Special feature: capable of making up to 90° bends without folds or wrinkles.
This high-tech product was awarded with the innovation prize for technology.
Brawoliner® is the solution for renovating lateral service drains, small diameter pipes and elbows that are difficult to access and can now be repaired with wrinkle free linings.

In situations where drains and pipes are fractured, broken or leaking we can install our patch lining system to repair drains and pipes from 100mm up to 1200mm diameter.
In most situations the patch liners can be installed without any excavation work being required.
In addition to this we can also repair defects in 100mm diameter bends up to 90 degrees.